HandsOn Innovative Courses Curated for EMS

Hands-On, Innovative Courses Curated for EMS

Training Like Lives Depend On It

Our CAPCE-accredited, live and virtual courses are trusted by top-performing teams across the nation, renowned for transforming the quality of care given to emergent pediatric patients. Our skilled instructors leverage years of prehospital experience to equip your healthcare professionals with the confidence, knowledge, and skills that consistently lead to improved patient outcomes.

Full Course Catalog Upcoming Courses

Become a Certified Handtevy Instructor for Your Own Organization

The Handtevy Prehospital Instructor Course is an 8-hour highly interactive, challenging, and dare we say fun training experience with industry leading EMS educators! Successful course completion provides clinicians with a certification to teach the Handtevy Provider Course to your healthcare professionals in-house at no cost.


In-person, virtual, and hybrid courses available


Didactic learning and hands-on skills stations


Successful candidates receive a certificate of completion valid for 2 yrs


CAPCE Accredited and CAMTS Approved

Helping You Improve Emergency Care Outcomes

2000 +
Certified Active Instructors
20000 +
Provider Course Completions
20 +
Handtevy Lead Trainers
2000 +
Agencies Using Handtevy Mobile

It has been a very long time since I’ve been in a pediatrics education class and did not want it to end.

Rob Gibbons
Scottsdale Fire Department

Schedule Your Own Handtevy Course Today

Are you interested in scheduling an Instructor or Provider Course within the convenience of your own organization? Please choose from the options below, and a member of our Handtevy Education Team will get in touch with you to arrange the details.

Schedule Instructor Course
Schedule Provider Course
Schedule Provider Refresher Course