Resuscitation Resources

Welcome to the Resuscitation Resources page – your comprehensive hub for essential tools, guidance, and best practices in resuscitation care. This page is designed for professionals in Dispatch, Fire and EMS, and Hospital, providing valuable links, videos, and documents to support high-quality, evidence-based resuscitation practices.
In this video, Dr. Peter Antevy addresses a crucial question: Who truly CARES about cardiac arrest survival rates?
This video dives deep into the data behind cardiac arrest outcomes, highlighting the critical role of the CARES (Cardiac Arrest Registry to Enhance Survival) registry. Dr. Antevy compares survival rates across different cities, illustrating how EMS systems can dramatically impact neurologically intact survival outcomes. Using real-life examples like Allan’s remarkable story of survival, this video emphasizes the importance of performance data, the power of benchmarking, and how CARES can help your agency improve cardiac arrest outcomes. Learn about the essential metrics tracked in CARES, the role of bystander CPR, and how agencies can leverage this data to save more lives in their communities.
Dispatch Resources
T-CPR (PDF Resource)
T-CPR (PowerPoint Slides)
Fire Rescue Resources
Pre-Cardiac Arrest
– Resuscitation Academy eBooks
– Resuscitate Florida Google Drive
During Cardiac Arrest
– Handtevy CPR Assist*
– HP-CPR PDF (Via CPR LifeLinks)
– HP-CPR Powerpoint Slides (Via CPR LifeLinks)
– Post ROSC Handover Poster & SOG (Courtesy of Lethbridge Fire & Emergency Services)
Post Cardiac Arrest
– CARES Webinar (Florida EMS Webinar)
Hospital Resources
– Resuscitation Centers of Excellence Criteria
Peter Antevy, MD
DISCLAIMER: These links are provided for research and do not have affiliations with Handtevy. Product information for Handtevy Mobile is marked with an asterisk. No other business relationships exist on this page.